Braised & Butterflies

February 17, 2010

Let’s briefly talk about the latter. I’ve had quite a few fluttering around in my stomach, and let me tell ya, they’ve been gone for a while.  That’s all I have to say about butterflies today… maybe I’ll share some more on another day… What/who gives you butterflies?

Moving onto the braised

Last night, I tried out this new recipe.

Braised Red Cabbage with Apples, served atop a bed of spinach and cloud of quinoa.
Dee-lish. And of course, I had to eat it with a Laughing Cow Wedge–naturally. This was both aesthetically pleasing and taste-bud-pleasing. Perfection! I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking into shaking up supper, perhaps with something a little sweeter.

Who doesn’t love this color combination? I know my appetite does.

It also loves chocolate, bread & chocolate to be exact.

The concept of bread and chocolate, infused together into a chocolate bar, is enough to make me purrrr. What’s your favorite Theo bar?

Sorry for the short post, but it’s been a hell’of’a week!